

Primary School

Delight in Effort, Acceptance and Achievement


Welcome to Nursery  


We are so happy that you have chosen our Nursery Unit for your child to start their education, please keep an eye on this page to be updated with the latest news and pictures of what the class have been busy learning about. 


Some key information:

  • School fund is £3 a week and is paid every Monday, this covers the cost of snack, items for cooking, making play dough, school trips & new learning resources.
  • Dinners cost £2.50 per day or £12.50 per week.
  • Artwork gets sent home every Friday in purple art bags which are returned on a Monday morning.
  • We are so lucky to have a garden, we ask that all children have welly boots as the grass can be wet and mucky.
  • Please also ensure your child has a spare change of clothes, learning in Nursery can get very messy.
  • In January we will start Monkeynastix on a Wednesday which costs £1.50 per session.


Our May topic is Creatures Great and Small, we had lots of fun today meeting lots of different animals, furry, mini beasts, scaly and spiky! We spoke about our favourite animals and were very brave meeting some animals we had never seen before!

We love having fun in the garden ðŸŠī we enjoy climbing, building and discovering nature. We made our own nature bracelets by using daisies and dandelions, we explored capacity using different sized pots and discovered some minibeasts!

Having lots of fun with our Jump, Jiggle and Jive session we loved using the foam swords to pretend we were pirates! ðŸī‍☠ïļ 

We have been talking about what we would like to be when we’re older and having lots of fun using the home corners inside and outside to take on different roles in our play!

Snow much fun ⛄ïļ ❄ïļ 

We added snow to the water tray, we loved using squeezy droppers and food colouring to make the snow green, we then used ice cream cones to make some snow cones! We then went outside to explore the ice and snow, we found that when the ice was broken it made icicles and watched them glitter in the sun.

We are learning all about vehicles and transport 🚘. We are learning how things move on land, the sea and sky. We are having lots of fun in our Mechanics role play, using different tools to fix the cars and working hard on the laptop and phone. We also love our outdoor Train Station and are talking about places we would like to go. 🚂

Ellie the Litter Elf visited us to teach us about the importance of putting our rubbish in the bin!

Jumping, Jiggling and Jiving at our Christmas party. 🎄🎅

Having lots of fun playing and moving outside, developing our Fine and Gross Motor Skills using small and large equipment. We are starting to work together to make soups in the mud kitchen and creating constructions with the crates, pipes and cars.

We had lots of fun jumping, singing and moving in our session with Jo Jingles! ðŸŽķ 

We created a whole class artwork using lots of different lines and shapes on a big bit of paper, we enjoyed working together to make this masterpiece ðŸŽĻ.

We’re learning about Day and Night, we have enjoyed learning about nocturnal animals and how some animals hibernate in the winter. We also made our own spaceship and like pretending we are astronauts blasting into space 🚀.

The Ark Farm Autumn Roadshow 🍂 


Farmer Lorraine came to teach us all about autumnal animals, we got to meet a tortoise, snake, hedgehog and African land snails! We also learned about Harvest and enjoyed singing a song about Autumn leaves falling 🍁.
