

Primary School

Delight in Effort, Acceptance and Achievement

Our School Council & Wellbeing Champions

Botanic Primary’s School Council members and Wellbeing Champions welcome you to our school website. As School Council members, we are responsible for ensuring Botanic is the best school we think it can be. As Wellbeing Champions, we are responsible for ensuring mental health and wellbeing are at the focus of our school. We work together to make school a happy place.


We are trusted to make the decisions that shape our school and make it the way that we want it to be. Children from Year 4 to Year 7 engage with the democratic process to elect representatives onto our School Council.


Over the past few years, the School Council has:

  • Represented the pupils of the school during a range of events
  • Spoken to visiting adults about the school
  • Organised fund-raising events and raised money for charities 
  • Organised and judged a Christmas Card competition
  • Organised a 'Blue Monday' coffee afternoon for families


Social Action: Making a Video

Working Together

Our Work with REACH

Children’s Mental Health Week

Our Wellbeing Champions and School Council members visited each class to play some listening and looking games. This is the ‘Take Notice’ part of the five steps to good mental health.

Planning Children’s Mental Health Week

Our First Meeting

Our New Wellbeing Champions

Our New School Council Members

Mindfulness with P4

NI Assembly Meeting

School Assembly

Presenting Our Class Suggestion Boxes

Creating Class Suggestion Boxes

Be Safe 

We have been thinking about how to be safe in school and outside school. Our posters will be displayed around the school.


Wellbeing Champions 2023

School Council 2023
