Welcome to Primary 4
In Primary 4, we work hard, grow in independence and have lots of fun. Keep checking our class page for updated information and a snapshot of life in Primary 4!
Important information
School starts at 8.50am
Snack - P4 children bring their own healthy snack Monday - Thursday and can bring a small treat on a Friday
School dinners cost £2.60 per day. Money should be brought in a labelled envelope
The school week - Monday - Thursday 8.50am - 3pm
Friday - 8.50am -2pm
Homwork - Literacy homeowork is on Monday and Wednesday
Maths homeowork is on Tuesday and Thursday
Spellings, reading and number facts should be completed daily
We have been practising column method addition and subtraction in numeracy. Using the deines and whiteboards have helped us with carrying and regrouping!
Here, we are working in groups to complete our reading activities. We get a new book each week and can test ourselves to see what we can remember when answering the questions. It is great that we can work together to help each other.
We have been having great fun this term doing gymnastics. We have learnt many jumps that we can practise on the floor and when dismounting off the bench. We can’t wait to continue to using the ropes, bars and trampettes next week!